Friday, November 30, 2007

Planning your wedding

It's the time of year when many couples get engaged and don't know how or where to begin. The planning of a wedding can be extremely intemidating to anyone, especially if you've never planned this large a function.

That's where a wedding coordinator/designer can be a life saver. Not only do we have access to the best vendors and venues, but we take the burden off you and your family so you can enjoy the party.

To help with wedding planning, I'm offering the same DVD to brides that I use when I teach my course The Art of Wedding Coordination. It is 4 1/2 hrs. of information that will help prepare you for vendor interviews, selecting stationary for the wedding; what to expect at the rehearsal etc. It works very nicely with the WEDDING PLANNING GUIDE, A Bride's Workbook, both of which can be ordered through my website

For the secondtime or more mature bride, who has everything they need to set up a household, consider a Surprise Wedding. Turn the tables on your guests! They'll have a great time and you won't have to wonder where to store that third toaster!

For more information check out my website or email me at

I do only a limited number of weddings a year to give my clients the very best in personal service and never more than one a year. I'm happy to take your calls and appointments afterhours and evenings to fit your schedule. Have questions? Give me a call!