Thursday, December 6, 2007

Don't want to wear a veil?

For the bride, who may be getting remarried, more mature, or just doesn't want to wear a veil, you might consider flowers.

Flowers can be worn in the hair as a hair band, wreath, or a beautiful single flower behind your ear. They not only add a romantic note to your wedding, but they can also add color.

Flowers add so much to a wedding. Consider carrying a single flower, having a wrap made of flowers around your shoulders, carry a "kissing ball" or maybe having your groom present you with a single rose once you reach the altar.

Did you know that in the Victorian times, flowers actually would spell out messages? Gentlemen would give specific flowers to show love, friendship etc. A bride might carry the flowers that "spelled" I love you.

Need more ideas? I help my brides come up with unique ideas and something that will make their wedding their own. Reach me through or visit my website at (I'm happy to work with you no matter where you are. I'm available to travel.)

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